Orange Economy Symposium: Vision to Action for Stimulating Aruba’s Cultural and Creative Industries

May 29, 2024

The ‘Orange Economy Symposium’ brought together a diverse panel of stakeholders and local artists to discuss the challenges and opportunities within Aruba’s CCI. The event highlighted key issues and explored ways to empower entrepreneurs to commercialize their creativity.

Recognizing the Creative Economy as an Economic Pillar

The symposium emphasized the potential of the CCI as an economic pillar. Stakeholders shared their experiences and provided feedback on the challenges faced in various sectors, including art, music, dance, and design. Based on this input, the Ministry of Economic Affairs plans to develop an Action Plan for the CCI of Aruba.

Financing the CCI

Financing for creative entrepreneurs was a significant topic of discussion. Drawing parallels with the successful implementation of the Agri Fund for agricultural projects, the symposium explored the possibility of a similar funding model for the CCI.

San Nicolas as a Regional Creative Hub

A key goal discussed was the classification of San Nicolas in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, positioning it as a central hub for creative development. The symposium was a crucial step towards achieving this vision, focusing on methods to empower local artists and promote their commercial endeavors.

Future Steps

The insights and feedback gathered are instrumental in devising an action plan that will detail the steps and tasks needed to tackle the challenges creative entrepreneurs face and foster the public preconditions to shape the future of Aruba’s CCI. The underlying goal is two-fold: to formalize creative activities into a new economic pillar capable of contributing to our resilience and sustainability and to breathe new life into the area of San Nicolas.

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